“Iron Beat” has been with us for more than a week, and our site is already in the design of this style. The video for the song from the future Ruslana’s album “Wild Heart” was inspired by the mythical strength of the ancient Sich Cossacks. Their superhuman ability and the sound of Cossack iron — sabers and chains frightened their enemies. If you haven't seen the video yet, click the button below and enjoy!
In the latest video, Ruslana said how we will sing “Iron Beat” in concerts... you need to prepare for that! We see very little real sun and wind, and when we get to the mountains, the fresh air amazes us. And as fresh as air can be, so can be metal. And such imaginary metal can strengthen us, make us stronger. There is an opportunity to do this when we pour ice water on ourselves during the performance of Iron Beat, says Ruslana. And then you can sing it.
The video was shot by Ruslana in a room that is made of metal. She said that she had already gone to that place for the filming only and would never return there again. No one knows where it is.
Here in the Facebook video above, she interestingly plays the drums.
The premiere took place on her birthday. And on this occasion, the best gift for her would be if you would make a small donation to Angry Birds — drones that will save the lives of the men and women of the Armed Forces. The birthday has passed, but the fight continues until the enemy is expelled from Ukraine. Not long ago, Ruslana broke the bank and donated more than 220,000 hryvnias to the Dignitas Foundation. Because drones are not needed tomorrow, but now.
Who was the first to hear the Iron Beat song? It was Chudo, Ruslana's dog, who checked everything, supported her and protected the ideas.
Read more: Iron Beat – what do we know?