Stone Queen

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Story of “Lyrnytsia”

Good summer to all of you! It has been several weeks with “Lyrnytsia”. How many times have you listened already? When our Ruslana creates music, at the beginning is the most important her state of mind. Not rhythms, but the heartbeat.

Every song from the album Wild Heart will have a special intro, its heartbeat. And for “Lirnytsia”, this is a sound of the sun which NASA recorded on its space station. Next, Ruslana took an ancient phrase “On Sunday morning the sun has risen”, which has written one old woman for Carpathian molfar Mykhailo Nechai.

Ruslana creates herself also her own drums. For “Lyrnytsia” she selected the loudest ones. How? She searched for metals, chains etc. and created sounds on that way. For her, these rhythms are heartbeats.

We have lost our rhythms. We don’t know them. Ruslana does not follow mainstream rhythms from abroad. She’s always herself. Always unique.