Stone Queen

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Ruslana's Voice

What Ruslana says about herself on her social profiles and elsewhere? Everything that she does comes directly from her heart!

Новини Дикого Серця Руслани

We wish you a beautiful autumn filled with vibrant colors, sunny weather, and most importantly, the energy of our Ruslana! September brought us an unprecedented number of concerts, so let’s take a look at them together in this issue of the irregular newsletter Ruslana's Wild Heart News. Get comfortable, or better yet, don’t sit still—because it’s always better to dance to Ruslana's music. ;-) Here’s a selection of the best videos and other news from the past period. Enjoy reading and listening!

Ruslana na Times Square

Here comes another issue of our irregular newsletter, "Ruslana’s Wild Heart News". Ruslana performed in her beloved hometown of Lviv and shared a backstage experience where she almost lost her voice. She continues tirelessly with her fundraising campaign to finance FPV drones, which contribute to Ukraine’s path to victory. You can find this and much more in the following article.

Iron Beat style

May 24 is the date of the premiere of the new song and video of our common inspiration – Ruslana. It's also her birthday. The song and video from the music project “Wild Heart” is called “Iron Beat” (“Buyna” in Ukrainian). The purpose of the Ruslana Energy page is not to immediately publish every news you can find on Ruslana's social networks, but to summarize everything in articles and to bring the content about her in different languages. In the description of the video on YouTube, it is written:

What is Iron Beat? In every frame of the music video, in every beat of this song, you will feel and see what it is…

So what do we know?

Ruslana together with DanceTheatre Zhyttya

First News of the Wild Heart at this year are here, and we wish to tell you what has been new with Ruslana during past weeks. The year 2024, that’s 20 years since Ruslana’s victory at the Eurovision, and we’re preparing a surprise for you here at the Ruslana Energy website. It will come at the first day of spring. Now enjoy reading the news.