Stone Queen

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Ruslana's Voice

What Ruslana says about herself on her social profiles and elsewhere? Everything that she does comes directly from her heart!

Ruslana interview Dallas

In Dallas Ruslana had a meeting with David Kramer, the executive director of the George W. Busch Presidential Center. Something for English speaking Ruslana fans – the whole meeting was recorded in that language and you can listen to it now. Ruslana: "If your electricity wents on for a while and you call your friends to check on them, the best answer is always 'I am alive'."

>> Listen here <<

The longest night of the year is over already and Ruslana welcomes the upcoming solar year with the words of hope: "Tomorrow will be more of sun". Ukraine is now without electricity. But where is the most of light? Directly in your heart!

Meeting with children of St. Rita Catholic School left on Ruslana one of the strongest impressions in her life. She joined a mass, read her author prayer "For Ukraine, Peace and Tranquility" and sang her author version of the "Lord’s Prayer". "Since beginning of the war I pray for Ukraine every single day", she says. Children gave her their hand-made postcards which she will deliver to our Ukrainian deffenders at the front lines.

For me you’re the only one, Ukraine! Ruslana travels around the world, boosts energy of Ukrainian activists and collects funds for the energy generators for Ukraine! This time the charity performance took place in Dallas, USA.

We celebrate with Ruslana the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Day of Volunteers! She expresses her love and prayer for the every soldier, regardless if currently in trenches or in reserve. Ruslana is always with you! You’re undefeatable! And our endless thank you also goes to every helper and volunteer! Glory to Ukraine!